

Teacher and Student Drawing Sketch – Unique Ideas


Teacher and student bond is one of the most important relation of our life. Here, in this article we are gonna give you some ideas about teacher and student drawing sketch. You can use them on teachers day or to start practicing your pencil drawing. Here you’ll see some cute teacher student drawings to start your pencil drawing journey.

Teacher and Student Drawing Sketch Ideas

teacher and student drawing sketch

Teacher Teaching Student on Board Drawing

This is a simple sketch specially made for beginners. Teacher is teaching his student on board and asking him questions. Here, we have drawn both the teacher and student character in somewhat caricature or cartoon way. A teacher with cute mustaches and cute student who is learning. We have used simple H to 4B pencils. Very simple drawing just need some strokes of pencils.

cute lady teacher and student drawing

Cute Lady Teacher and Student Drawing Sketch

As you can see above it’s a cute drawing of lady teacher and student. Lady teacher praising his student by saying “Good Girl”. Simple drawing with just some normal pencil strokes. In these kind of drawings the most important thing is facial expressions. Because you need to show cute expressions with very few lines. So, therefore position and size of lines matters a lot. Here, we have used normal H to 4B Camelin pencils. Enjoy this artworks!  

Lady Teacher and Girl Student Drawing

This is somewhat different from above artworks. This is color pencil drawing of lady teacher with a girl student. Here, Teacher is appreciating girl. First draw outlines of figures then darken outlines with black pen. And at the end add beauty in  drawing with color pencils. Simple but attractive drawing for beginners. Here, I have used normal 2H and H pencil for outlies, Black pen and DOMS color pencils.

Teacher Student Caricature Drawing

This is teacher and student drawing sketch but color drawing sketch. It is more of caricature or cartoon style drawing. You can easily feel the caricature effect here by seeing different objects of figures. Here I have used H and HB pencils for outlines, Black pen for darken outlines and DOMS color pencils to fill colors.  

Teacher and student drawing sketch more ideas…

Hope You Have Enjoyed Our Artworks!


DOMS color pencils are specially used by beginners. The main reason is that they are not expensive. And this is not only the reason but if you have good understanding of colors and how to use pencils DOMS pencils are very good option.

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